《Sorry, You’ll Never Walk Alone》

《Sorry, You’ll Never Walk Alone》

今天來談一下日本攝影師Shin Noguchi 的其中一組街拍作品很有意思,三十幾張照片裡的街拍每個人的臉孔幾乎都被遮住,這是Shin Noguchi 對日常的一些觀察,他說雖然都市人都總覺得自己很寂寞,常常為了生活奔波和掙扎,然而在這個繁忙的社會裡,其實根本沒有時間感到寂寞,甚至連走路的時候都有物件陪著你一起前進,連雙手沒有辦法空閒的時刻,哪有別的時間思考



This project is based on main project “Something Here”.
Being aware of their own lonely existence, people do not even have time to look at the real figure of themselves through mirror, while they are not able to afford to see the appearance of others that can be comparable either. In order to adopt themselves into the society as well as to become a cog, people are leading their daily lives frantically.
The photographer is trying to through this project sending a message of “you are not alone at all. There must be someone in the society keeping an eye on your struggle for living”, in addition to which, it is attempted to express the both side of a socially ironic message as “There is no time for being lonely in this constantly vigorous society. It is even impossible to walk streets with nothing in your hands”.
I wish you could feel the “contradiction” between the nature of human being and the essence of the society created by human being, not through the aforementioned commentary, but from the appearance of people in the photo who are living frantically in the realistic world.

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